Editing & Proofreading

All written communication, whether academic, for personal use or for business, can benefit by being edited and proofread.

These tasks improve the effectiveness and presentation of written communications by ensuring, first, that your message has been clearly presented and is complete, and second, that it is correctly and coherently rendered, both in terms of style and format.

Poor grammar compromises the effectiveness of all documents. Those that contain spelling errors, misplaced punctuation and / or awkward sentence structure limit the smooth flow of reading and can ultimately result in the loss of business.

We also edit and proofread texts translated and / or written by non-native speakers of the language. In these cases, we carefully review and refine the text to ensure that it reads as if it had been originally written in the native language.

Editing, proofreading, and language quality control are inexpensive compared with the benefits of ensuring a professional image for your business.

Levels of Editing
While many people may think that editing and proofreading are the same, they are actually quite different tasks.

We define “editing” as making revisions to and suggestions about the content of a document, focusing on improving the accuracy of language, its flow, and its overall readability, as well as checking for correct grammar and spelling. In other words, editing involves a detailed review of a document, and comparing the source and target documents. It includes the analysis of the content, organization, coherence, tone, and style of text.

Editing also involves checking to make sure that the correct terminology was used. This is achieved by researching each term that raises doubt or is unknown to the editor –– by using online or hard copy resources –– for the sole purpose of ensuring that the right terms have been used.

Proofreading implies the final stage of a document’s process –– the proofreader is the last person to view and / or check a document before it is pronounced ready –– to be circulated or published. The meaning of words and terminology is irrelevant at this stage, as the job focuses on the details of the text. This is when the entire document is double-checked for typos, and spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization errors. The proofreader also keeps a close eye on things like numbering, consistency in terminology or abbreviations, and headings and style formats. Another key distinction is that proofreading usually involves only the target, i.e., final version of the document.




Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM

+54 9 115 020 4172
U.S +1 561 656 9217
